Part 2: Technology and the future of healthcare AGAIN!
"Hmmm, Kingsley, what are you up to with this healthcare thing again? Okay, the tech part, I get, it is relevant. But another round of healthcare? Fam, you are not a doctor man."
Now calm down, let me explain whats happening here. If you read the first piece on healthcare, you will remember I told you that there was classified information that I MIGHT share later? I am a Dibie, and a Dibie keeps his promise (winks). So if you are curious like me, you might want to follow through to find out. Beyond that, it never hurts to know how our world is changing or (will change), and who are those that are pioneering the necessary efforts. So as usual, enjoy!
From our previous discussion on healthcare, we already talked about some of the unique challenges that healthcare, especially in the developing world, currently face. While it is crucial to highlight problems, you will agree with me that looking more into the solutions could be much more helpful particularly to those who have to deal with the everyday challenge of trying to access needed healthcare.
Hence, our focus this time will primarily be on the innovative efforts of young individuals who are passionate about making a change in their local communities, and not necessarily companies whose efforts in this area can be mostly driven by the desire to make a profit. And please, don't get it twisted, I have nothing against companies who are working hard every day in the field of healthcare, but I see the effort of passionate young individuals in their local communities MORE critical and helpful. If I look back, I think writing about these efforts was one of the most natural things I have had to do recent weeks.
So how did we get here in the first place? For the first piece on healthcare, I was actually researching for a professional project when I came across Sandoz "HACk" - Healthcare Access Challenge. The competition was the brainchild of the pharmaceutical company Sandoz - A Novartis division seeking young people with innovative ideas to "reimagine" access to healthcare. As I saw, the first edition identified innovative approaches to address challenges in Ghana, the Maldives and the Philippines and the winning ideas all proposed novel ways to use mobile technologies to connect patients with caregivers and essential medicines, addressing access issues specific to their country but with the potential for solutions to be applied elsewhere.
And as you would probably guess, I am reaching out to the winners to discuss their ideas, motivation and how they were already contributing towards improving healthcare in their communities. So our next discussions on technology and healthcare should be featuring the fantastic effort of the fine folks from Maldives, Ghana and the Philippines. And yes I remember that I said a Dibie keeps his promise. So Please and Please, I have no intention of going back on that. I will keep mine at the end of our discussion.
So stay tuned.............................